Microsoft named an overall leader in KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for ITDR
Searching for the best identity threat detection and response (ITDR) service? We're pleased to share the news that Microsoft has been recognized as an overall leader in the Kuppinger Cole Leadership Compass Identity Threat Detection and Response: IAM Meets the SOC. This report looks at Microsoft's strengths in a range of areas, from identity posture to remediation.
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Microsoft named an overall leader in KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for ITDR
published by GingerSec
GingerSec, LLC was founded with a passion for helping others stay secure in the digital world. We continuously strive to ensure our clients are as secure as they possibly can be, protecting their digital life. Because of this passion, our IT consulting to focus on providing you with security and operational function.
Because knowledge is power, we a full line of certification preparation courses and user awareness training. If you are an industry professional, allow us to help prepare you for the next certification exam. If you need security awareness training for your staff, you have you covered there as well.
GingerSec is also a reseller for your technology needs. We have the resources to provide you technology needs, whether at a personal use or enterprise-level we have the sources to help you. We have access to some of the more popular computer manufactures Dell, HP, and Lenovo.